I have neglected my little blog. I know consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, but really what does that mean? I am consistent in my artwork, in my observations of the world, in my daily rituals. I am inconsistent in house cleaning, in gardening, in answering email.
Still, it's April, and my birthday, so I am only posting one image. I shot this on my cell phone last night watching the Flatlands Dance Theatre perform for A Taste of Dance at Melissa Grimes lovely, wild, adventurous house. (If Alice in Wonderland were set in Santa Fe that's what her house looks like.)
One click of my cell phone camera and Kris steps out into space. As every dancer does when they set foot on a stage, whether that stage is in a theatre with professional lighting or a back yard with the last rays of the sun peaking through the trees. I love this moment that defies gravity yet will eventually yield to it. Poise, grace, anticipation, a moment of movement frozen in time. As I turn 65 I stand on another brink. Life and time pushing me onward. Deep breath. And go.