Be Delighted

"Oh my my my my, what an eager little mind!"

Auntie Mame

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Doldrums

I must be one of a minority of people that absolutely hates summer. My senses don't do well with harsh, bright sunlight and suffocating heat. I live in the long wait for twilight and cool breezes, a constant wish for rain, or just a cloudy day to soften all the edges. It must be my British/Russian genes, and with that, a heady dose of British repression and Russian fatalism and madness. What fun.

 Therefore until that first hint of Fall in the air I have pretty much become a lethargic hermit, a mole in my dark cave, living on art, books, Netflix, and the internet, stepping out only to teach my Yoga classes and to fetch groceries.

 Unfortunately the lethargy has also hindered my art production. I am am like Henri, the cat who suffers from ennui, I am free to go and yet I remain.

 Still I have lifted my feeble hands to do a few small art projects before sinking back into my chair to check my Facebook page or pin a cute photo of a puppy (or, look, here's a picture of Colin Firth in a bathtub, drinking wine!) on my Pinterest page.

 Behold my minimal efforts.
 First some small tags that evolved from my project of making prayer flags, since tags are even smaller and take even less time, but I still get to handle lovely linen and some nicely printed cotton fabric by Marcia Durst:

I've also mustered a few sketches, mainly out of my head. I have been thinking a lot lately that I need to visit England sometime in the near future. I have not been since I left as a child, and I want to still be able to walk everywhere for hours on end without collapsing, wallowing in my heritage. I'll also need to deal with that fear of flying. Soon, England, soon.
And so it goes........

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