Be Delighted

"Oh my my my my, what an eager little mind!"

Auntie Mame

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

XYZ and done!

Since it's the end of summer, time to clear my head and time to finish up loose ends. I started this blog to go through the alphabet with words and images, and I got a bit lax in my enthusiasm. I will blame it on our record-breaking heat and drought. Or maybe my bumble bee mind buzzed on to another flower. In any case, that lovely blast of cooler air this weekend sent my spirits sailing into Fall and it was time to move forward. The seemingly random group of words I strung together, from A-Z, these past few weeks can also form a poem. (OK, I cheated on the letter X) So in the style of e.e. cummings I give you the complete work:

                                                 Absolutely be-dazzled,                                                                                
                                                       caring deeply,
                                                 every feeling greatly hopeful
                                                        in just karma
                                                  meaning nothing only
                                                                   passionate questions,
                                                  X-actly your Zen.