Be Delighted

"Oh my my my my, what an eager little mind!"

Auntie Mame

Monday, September 2, 2013

What I did on my summer vacation

A lot! Well, technically, I don't have a summer vacation. I just teach my classes all year round. But this summer was a lot less same ol' same ol', with a side of heat lethargy, and a lot more action, stuff happening. Sometimes life just rolls along and changes are imperceptible. Other times it speeds up, things happening every day, a little bit of chaos, a little bit of updating, a little bit of altering.....
First: Glenn didn't teach any classes this summer so it was time to fix and update the house. He was a man with a plan:
The roof, damaged by a late Spring hail storm, was replaced by a new one, in a tile pattern suitably named "Storm".

We went to Austin and visited my brother and family.

Plus an old friend.

A beloved shade tree had to come down due to root fungus. See photo of house above while it still had shade. Like vampires we were now cringing in the sun as we came out the front door.

The fence got scrubbed all clean and new. And we got some new fish friends in the pond.

Concrete was poured down the sides of the house and in the back weed patch. (it doesn't get more exciting than looking at a slab of concrete).

The interior of the house finally got painted all the way through (we had stopped at one spot about 2 years ago and never gotten farther)
Penny had gum surgery. But at 14 we are glad she is still healthy. (although groggy here from anesthesia)

Our hardwood floors were resurfaced,

which meant we had to move us and all the furniture out of the house for a week. First a short stay at the local LaQuinta, a staycation in downtown Lubbock, then a quick trip to Dallas to visit Andrea and Tina, which included good food, an art walk, and a visit to the Ross Perot Museum of Science and Nature.
                                                           (Andrea and Tina's back yard)

Dinosaurs! (well Glenn is not quite a dinosaur yet.....)



Naomi did a photo shoot for Flatlands Dance Theatre.

Then Naomi got hit by a drunk driver and we are happy her truck got the worst of it because we love her a lot.

My art show opened at the Buddy Holly Center.

And finally my hair turned red again.

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